------------------------------------------------- OUTTx: ------------------------------------------------- These 17 files contain the data of the world map. They're all 756 bytes & are loaded at 0x802/2050. Maps are 20 bytes width & 26 bytes height (520 bytes). A value value of 120 is substracted from the each cell to uncover it's value as the party reaches it (OUTTx files are saved before moving onto another location). The values contain the color, the tile to display and any special information needed to trigger special events. There's 2 decimal values calculated from each byte to determine the nature of those special events: Higher value (cell value / 10): 7, 11: can trigger a random encounter 5: it's a dungeon (ask to enter) 10: it's water (start swimming sequence) Note: this value have many interaction with monsters behaviours & random events Lower value (cell value - ((cell value / 10) * 10)): 6: message to display 7: scripted encounter 8: nothing Note: this value interact with the level of the monster encountered that way: Level = 2 * (LowerValue + 1) & many other interactions with random events. (Level is clamped at 12) There's also 2 hardcoded values: 0xA1-120 (41): it's an inn (ask to enter) 0xA0-120 (40): it's a town (ask to enter) The pictures of the tiles are set according to the Lower value. For inns, towns, dungeons or messages the program looks at offset 520 where there's a table of 5 bytes of extra infos about those cells: 0 1.b: X coordinates (local to the map) 1 1.b: Y coordinates (local to the map) 2 1.b: Extra data (town, dungeon or message index) 3 1.b: (Doesn't seem to be used) 4 1.b: (Doesn't seem to be used) At offset 595 are located the messages which are displayed their size is 40 bytes each.