------------------------------------------------- TWN2x: ------------------------------------------------- These files contain the data of all the towns that can be found in the game. Each of them are 250 bytes and are loaded at 0x801/2049. Structure: 0: 180.b: amount of each available items (99 max) 180: 46.b: town's stock randomizer coefficients (3 * 16 values depending on party's level which is calculated like this: for each character { Level = Level + Character_Level } Level = Level / Number_of_Characters + 0.5 (only first values of triplets are actually used). 226: 1.b: coefficient applied to town's prizes * 100 227: 1.b: map were the city is located (OUTTx file) 228: 1.b: x coordinate of the city in that map (used to place the party on the map) 229: 1.b: y coordinate of the city in that map (used to place the party on the map) 230: 20.b: town name. Note: Apparently there's 2 towns added in ST version (maybe not used) STARVILLE OLYMPIA